Rangeland Brush Estimation Toolbox (RaBET)

Rangeland Brush Estimation Toolbox and Woody species classification, along with the U.S.D.A. Agricultural Research Service and the National Ecological Observation Network. Explore woody classifications example locations here.




SnowView: A Satellite Data and Model Driven Decision Support Tool for monitoring snowpack, precipitation, and streamflow.

Gridded Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) data offer advantages over point SWE observations for water supply modelling because they can estimate SWE conditions across the landscape. The UA/SWANN SWE data provide near real-time SWE estimates that can be used for water supply modelling and improve SRP seasonal streamflow forecasts over using only SNOTEL data. Currently, we are using UA/SWANN SWE data to develop daily updating seasonal streamflow forecasts for SRP4 km SWE dataset (1981-2017) can be downloaded from NSIDC. Visit our SnowView interface, where higher resolution data can be visualized and learn more at our StoryMap.




DroughtView: A Satellite Based Vegetation Drought Monitoring Web Application.

Drought is an ever-growing concern within the United States and Mexico. Extended periods of below-average precipitation can adversely affect agricultural production and ecosystems, impact local water resources and create conditions prime for wildfire. Seasonal and interannual vegetation and precipitation dynamics, including drought, can be monitored and examined by a variety of data sources and tools.

DroughtView is an online satellite time series and environmental data visualization tool and a resource for scientists, natural resource managers and the public. It contextualizes and brings a remote sensing perspective to drought impact assessments. Learn more at our StoryMaps.





Terrestrial and Drone LiDAR for Forest Metric Estimates

A fusion of terrestrial and drone LiDAR with tree rings to estimate historic growth.





Cultural Resource Environmental Vulnerability Assessment Tool


We provide layers showing the vulnerability of system types based on their sensitivities. CREVAT is designed as an entry point for assessing vulnerability and developing strategies for adjustment to climate and other environmental factors. To learn more, visit our StoryMaps.